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  Other books by this author

  Out of Time

  My first book on the Urquhart Bicester Time Travel Diaries


  It's 2015 and the Martians are about to invade Earth. They have hacked into the Earth's social media companies and absorbed them into the media site ComsMesh to manipulate the human race and weaken its defences. Up to now no one on Earth suspects a thing.

  Then, one of ComsMesh staff finds the 2015 diary of a James Urquhart, and the 1873 diary of Elizabeth Bicester bound together in a copper chest and concludes they are actually time travellers. He flags this up to his director as he believes such technology in the wrong hands could reveal his Company's plans to socially engineer the world.

  So here are the diaries of the adventures of James Urquhart, minor science lecturer and occasional rambler living in 2015 and Elizabeth Bicester, lady of leisure, of Hamgreen Lodge whom he stumbles upon at a cricket match in 1873. Despite much banter regarding each other’s etiquette and manners it seems they manage (through incredible feats of illogical deduction, with not a little help from James Maxwell, H. G. Wells and some strange time devices) to save the world!

  A Drift Out of Time.

  My second book on the Urquhart Bicester Time Travel Diaries.


  The diaries of James Urquhart, from 2015 and Elizabeth Bicester from 1873 continue. After stopping a Martian invasion of Earth and ruining the Weber Institute plan to take over the world, James and Elizabeth have returned home for a bit of peace and quiet to find they are not only in a different future but a different aspect of themselves. Moreover, the Martians are still trying to colonise Earth after their failed invasion and Marco is loose in time trying to reconnect the interplanetary dark net to help them.

  In their quest to get back to their own world James and Elizabeth travel back and forth between Mars and Earth and find themselves drifting across time and space through different pasts and futures until eventually they find a home and in the process discover who the Martians really are.

  Three Stories Out of Time

  On occasions when James Urquhart and his Victorian companion, Elizabeth Bicester, were not travelling back and forth in time and to other planets his sister and her boyfriend Sean take them on holiday. One would think that such vacations would be a welcome distraction but you will see in the three adventures they have selected from their diaries things do not always turn out as expected for when you’re with Sean, strange things happen.

  They put this down to Sean’s origins in Kerry which, as everyone knows, is where the fairies live. If you go to Kerry you know what I mean because when you leave a fairy comes with you. You won't notice the difference at first because it will be invisible but as life goes on you will hear on the odd occasion from a friend "Oh, he's off with the fairies again.". This seems to happen more regularly as time passes. Suffice to say that Sean has been to Kerry many times and in the process gathered up many fairies.

  A Companion to Out of Time.

  I've produced this booklet to provide some background information on how I wrote my science fiction time travel novel ‘Out of Time’. Its primary purpose is to try and give an insight into how I developed the plot in the form the novel was written and also the origin of the material I used to support it. Writing a story involving traveling in time without ending up in paradoxical corners is quite difficult and because of this I've devoted a fair amount of this booklet and quite a few passages in my novel on the subject in the hope of explaining to myself what I think is meant by Time.

  Notes on Arthurian Literature.

  This ebook contains my notes on Arthurian literature, examines the origins of Arthur and the historical events associated with him.

    It also reviews the Celtic origins of the Grail stories and the significance of their appearance at the time of the Crusades after the fall of Jerusalem in 1009 and recapture by Godfrei de Boullion in 1099 and their re-emergence in Mallory’s Mort D’Arthur after the fall of Constantinople in 1454.

  Subjects covered in the book are:

  The Origins of Arthur.

  Possible Links to Historical Events.

  Problems with Dating Events in the 5th and 6th Centuries.

  Climatic and Astronomical Phenomena in 5th and 6th Century Britain.

  The Appearance of the Grail Stories.

  Historical Characters and Events in the Grail Stories.

  Celtic and Other Origins of the Grail and the Grail Characters.

  Malory and the Tales of King Arthur.

  About the Author

  Bruce lives with his wife on the south coast of England, just a few minutes’ walk from the sea.

  When he’s not digging up stuff on King Arthur, he’s out with his wife and his friends walking on the South Downs trying to remember all the names of flowers and mushrooms his wife has identified.

  When it’s raining he can be found sometimes in his “attic” as his wife calls it, trying to master new jazz chords.

  A life of writing scientific reports and reading early science fiction, especially the genre of time travel such as the works of Anderson, Simak and Wells eventually led him to start writing his own novels about the adventures of a modern man and Victorian lady whom he met at a cricket match in 1873.

  His daughter describes his stories as “Tom Holt meets P.G. Wodehouse meets Philip K. Dick meets Fortean Times with a lot of raised-eyebrow sniggering.”

  You can get more information on this and his other books and hobbies at: his blog at:


  Or you can visit his website at:
